Join and win
We believe that being involved in the church is the best thing you can invest your time in. Because through your involvement,
people can experience a relationship with Jesus. You can make a difference.
Getting involved means investing yourself concretely in God’s kingdom, experiencing awesome community,
and learning a lot for your life. Working hard and partying hard. Making new friends. Being part of a team that
does incredible things and expects God to make the impossible possible.
Try-out phase
If you want to make good use of your time and skills and are always looking for
new challenges, then ICF Essen is the best place for you.
You can get a glimpse of all our teams and actively participate – depending on your time, strength and desire.
Just talk to us after the service at the meet&greet or approach one of our staff members.
We to help you find the right team in which you can try out and grow.