ICF Twenties is the church for young adults in ICF Essen
For young adults between the ages of 18 and 30, ICF Twenties is now held regularly every fortnight.
Twenties takes place in living room style: Cosy, personal and close.
We look forward to seeing you!!!
Our passion at ICF Twenties is for young adults to become more like Jesus Christ, to live fearlessly, and to be more active.
more like Jesus Christ, live fearlessly and make a positive difference in the world around them.
Once a month we have a celebration with deep worship and an engaging sermon!
You can find the exact dates on Telegram or Instgram.
We look forward to seeing you!
Once a month we celebrate our community together!
Games night, picnic in the park, volleyball, game show, campfire, table tennis...
There’s something for everyone!
You can find more information and the exact dates on Insta or Telegram =)
Connect with us!
You want to know more about Twenties?
You have questions for us?
We are happy to get to know you!